Program: Aid, corresponding to the financial year 2023, aid for the competitiveness of SMEs with industrial activity in the textile-clothing and footwear sectors, within the framework of the Aid Program for Industry and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP)
This company participates in the aforementioned program, whose objective is a more competitive and intelligent Europe, promoting an innovative and intelligent economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communications technologies.
Objective of the operation: R+D+i, Action AP01 Promotion of R+D+i investment in the productive fabric of Aragon
FEDER Aragon Program 2021-2027
Building Europe from Aragon

PAIP Program: Aid to Industry and SMEs in Aragon
This company participates in the "PAIP" Program, the result of which is to promote the growth and consolidation of SMEs, improving their financing, technology and access to advanced support services.
Objetivo de la operación: Conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo
Operación cofinanciada por la Unión Europea
Programa Operativo Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional Aragón 2014-2020
Building Europe from Aragon

Program: Aid to promote innovation through
development of industrial design and its management within the framework of the PAIP
This company participates in the Aid Program to promote innovation through
development of industrial design and its management within the framework of the PAIP, whose objective is to promote
the growth and consolidation of SMEs, in particular by improving their financing,
technology and access to advanced support services
Objective of the operation: Improve the competitiveness of SMEs
Operation co-financed by the European Union
Operational Program European Regional Development Fund Aragon 2014-2020
Building Europe from Aragon